Announcements & Events

Returning Your Library Books

If you are returning to law school in the fall, don’t worry about returning your books. We will extend your renewal date to August 31. If you are a graduating student, please contact our Head of Circulation, Louise Choate, at [email protected] for more information on how to return your books.

Alumni Access to Library

When the Maloney Library re-opens for the Fall 2020 semester, access will be limited to current Fordham Law School students, faculty and staff only. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Fordham University has put health screening and contact tracing protocols in place that make it impossible for the law library to accommodate alumni, including recent graduates… See more

Juneteenth – Maloney Library Closed 6/19/2020

In remembrance of Junteenth the library will be closed with no reference or liaison service on Friday, June 19. We welcome Fordham University president Father McShane’s announcement that Juneteenth will be celebrated as a Fordham University holiday henceforth, and hope that our patrons will spend some portion of the day reflecting upon how they might… See more

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