Welcome to the Maloney Library at Fordham Law School. The Maloney Library Orientation comprises the (4) short videos below.
Tour of the Maloney Library
This video provides a brief library tour and outlines library features, rules, and popular services.
Introduction to the Maloney Library
Lexis, Westlaw & Bloomberg Law
The videos below introduce you to some features of the three major legal information databases that you will use in law school and throughout your legal career.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students will receive an email in early August with the Lexis registration code, your Westlaw access key, and instructions on how to sign on to these databases and to Bloomberg Law. You will not be able to access these databases until the library sends that message in August. If you have not received that email by the first day of classes, please contact the Law Library Circulation Desk at [email protected].
LexisNexis Introduction
WestLaw/TWEN Introduction
Bloomberg Law
Bloomberg Registration Instructions